It is not just us undertaking this important initiative. We are very lucky to be part of a community of similar organisations, all trying to make a difference by setting up their own Library of Things. If you are ever in their areas, we highly recommend you check them out.
Bicester Green is a Centre for Sustainability and Reuse aiming to save materials
from waste. As a volunteer run and led organisation we focus on sharing skills
as we repurpose, refill, repair, recycle, reuse and reduce. Our workshops focus
on woodwork, electrical and bicycles, where our volunteers work on donations
from the public to make them ready for a new home. For the last 10 years
Bicester Green has been seeking alternatives to buying new for the local
community, for some time we’ve been considering another option, that of hiring
or renting, and now in our new space on Sheep Street we have launched our very
own Library of Things.
Our Library of Things hires items such as DIY tools, garden tools, hand tools and equipment for around the home that you might not need to use very often or take up storage space that you simply don’t have available and aims to prevent the need to buy new things, reduce the need to own stuff, share the resources of the planet, create a sharing community and reduce waste, CO2 and impact climate change.
CAG Oxfordshire facilitates a network of over 100 community action groups working across Oxfordshire to make it a safer, fairer, greener, more sustainable place to live, work and visit. Together, we’re building an Oxfordshire with resilient and empowered communities, so that people and planet can thrive within ecological limits.
Started in 2001, the network is the largest of its kind in the UK. Our member groups work in their local communities organising events and projects to take action on issues including waste, transport, food, energy, biodiversity and social justice.
SHARE Oxford is a community action group aiming to reduce consumption and waste, by sharing and repairing the things we use so we don’t have to buy them. We hire out things that people only need occasionally - for example pressure washers, sewing machines or gazebos - and repair those which would otherwise be thrown away. Along with similar groups across the county and the wider world, we are working to help solve the climate crisis. This is about our local community doing our bit, inspiring others to do the same and helping everyone live more sustainably. We started our Library of Things and Repair Cafés in 2019 and are looking forward to partnering with a growing community of sharers and repairers across Oxfordshire!
Sustainable Wantage is a Community Action Group, part of a network of over 100 similar CAGs across Oxfordshire, focused on activities that protect and enhance our natural environment and strengthen our local community. We are run by volunteers interested in actions that have a positive impact and increase our resourcefulness and resilience as a community. Our Library of Things aims to reduce consumption and waste, enable people to save money and do things they might not otherwise do, and help to build a mindset in our community that sharing things is an excellent option. Things in our library include a pressure washer, sewing machine, deep fat fryer, children’s party kit and even a bat detector! You can take a look at the full range we have on offer here.